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Daughters Of Tomorrow

Updated: Dec 18, 2019

Burning Blooms was inspired by the vision and mission of Daughters Of Tomorrow and we have been working closely with them through our partnership during these past few months to empower underprivileged women in their back-to-work journeys and facilitate livelihood opportunities for them in Singapore.

Through our partnership with Daughters Of Tomorrow, we have launched our "Burning Blooms X Daughters Of Tomorrow" collection earlier this year. The collection consists of 4 unique designs each inspired by the vision of Daughters of Tomorrow and the proceeds from the collection would go towards supporting underprivileged women in their back to work journeys.

( Burning Blooms X Daughters Of Tomorrow collection )

We have been working closely with Daughters Of Tomorrow through our partnership during these past few months to garner support for our collaboration and we are proud to announce that we have managed to raise a substantial amount through the proceeds from our "Burning Blooms X Daughters Of Tomorrow" collection. We have successfully made our first donation to DOT in the first week of December 2019. and the funds donated would be used to help the beneficiaries that Daughters Of Tomorrow work with. This would not have been possible without the support from our customers and patrons and we hope that through continued support, we will be able to empower more of these women and make a greater change to their lives.

(Donation from "Burning Blooms X DOT" collection made in December)

In line with Daughters Of Tomorrow's vision to facilitate livelihood opportunities and provide their beneficiaries support in building financially independent and resilient families, We have also recently started our ad-hoc initiative that aims to provide ad-hoc jobs for the women that Daughters Of Tomorrow work with. The launch was a success and we are currently working with one of the beneficiaries of Daughters Of Tomorrow, Mastura, a mother of 6.

Mastura has difficulty settling down on a full time job as she is concerned about taking care of her 6 children, all of whom are within the ages of 8-15. She thus struggles to maintain a secure and stable livelihood and is unable to afford many luxuries in life.

Thus with our ad-hoc initiative, we have offered Mastura a job that not only provides her with a stable monthly income, but also a job that allows her to spend time with her kids at home.

( Training Mastura to produce our products )

Moving forward, we will be reaching out to more of these women in the near future, to provide them with greater support and livelihood opportunities. And through your continued support, we hope to make a difference in their lives.

Follow our blog for updates as we continue our journey with Daughters Of Tomorrow.



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